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  1. Sarı, İ., Bizan, İ. (2022). The role of parent initiated motivational climate in athletes’ engagement and dispositional flow. Kinesiology. 54(1), 3-14.

  2. Bulut, Ü. Sari, İ. (2022). Ringdeki Genç Boksörler Hakkında Ebeveyn Görüşleri:Kazanımlar, Engeller, Endişeler ve Beklentiler. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Science, 14(1):114-123.

  3. Sarı, İ. Çelik, E. Aydın, M., Köytepe, S. (2021). Adölesan Futbolcuların Başarı Motivasyonu ile Algıladıkları Antrenör Davranışlarının İlişkisi. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(2), 86-97.

  4. Kalkan, T. Sarı, İ. (2021). Antrenör davranışları: Kuramsal yaklaşımlar, antrenörün sporcuya etkisi ve öneriler. Journal of Exercise and Sport Sciences Research (JOINESR) 1(1), 38-49.

  5. Narin, M., Kolayiş, H. (2021). Boğa güreşlerinin sosyokültürel incelemesi. Kilis 7Aralık Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 5(2)121-133.

  6. Kolayiş, H., Çelik, N., Narin M. (2021). The effect of 12 weeks of zumba, bosu and pilates on the positive psychological states of women. Journal of Exercise and Sport Sciences Research (JOINESR) 1(1), 29-37.

  7. Sarı, İ., Sağ, S. (2021). Türkiye’de sporda motivasyon araştırmaları: Sistematik derleme. Gazi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 26(3), 373-405. 

  8. Sarı, İ., Bulut, Ü. (2021). Boks Antrenörlerinin Perspektifinden Sporcular ve Ebeveynlerin Boksa Yönelik Tutumları. Spormetre the Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. 19(2): 135-155.

  9. Sarı, İ., Aydın, M. (2021). The relationship between coach-created motivational climate and athletes’ challenge and threat perceptions. Quality in Sports. 2(7): 24-37.

  10. Sarı, İ., Şahin, D. (2021). Sporcunun ailesi kene gibi zararlı mı kale gibi güvenli mi? Antrenörlerin sporcuların ailesine yönelik metaforik algıları. Türkiye Klinikleri Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 13(1):110-123.

  11. Sarı, İ , Sağ, S , Pınar Demi̇r, A . (2020). Sporda Zihinsel Dayanıklılık: Taekwondo sporcularında bir inceleme . Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi , 22 (4), 131-147.
  12. Çağlar, E., Sarı, İ., Aşçı, F. H., Eklund, R. C., & Jackson, S. A. (2020). Short versions of Turkish flow scales: Reliability and validity study. Studia Psychologica, 62(3), 179-197.

  13. Sarı, İ., & Köleli, N. Y. (2020). The relationship of coach-created motivational climate to athletes’ burnout and moral decision-making. Journal of Sport Sciences, 31(2), 69-82.

  14. Salman, U., Sarı, İ. (2020).  Beden eğitimi öğretmenleri, öğrenciler ve ailelerin bakış açısı ile sağlıkla ilgili fiziksel uygunluk karnesi: Yeni bir uygulama. Spormetre The Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 18(2), 77-103.

  15. Yenilmez, M.İ. Ersöz, G. Çınarlı, S., Sarı, İ. (2020). Examination of the psychometric properties of the Sport Interest Inventory in a sample of Turkish football spectators. Managing Sport and Leisure.

  16. Günbay, Ş., Sari, İ. (2020). Health-related physical fitness report card from the perspectives of physical education teachers, students and parents: a new practice. Kastamonu Journal of Education. 28(2): 910-930. doi:10.24106/kefdergi.697835.

  17. Sarı, İ., Bulut, Y. (2020). Attitudes towards sports coaching profession scale: Validity and reliability study for university students. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences. 12(1):65-76.

  18. Sarı, İ., Derhayanoğlu, G., (2019). The relationship of athletes’ moral disengagement to perceived motivational climate and valued goals. Spormetre the Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. 17(4),91-104.

  19. Sarı, İ. (2019). The relationship between perceived autonomy support from the coach and athletes’ autonomous motivation: a meta-analytic research. Spormetre the Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. 17(2), 110-125.

  20. Salman, U., Sarı, İ., Mirzeoğlu, A.D. (2018). Health-related physical fitness report card from physical education teachers’ perspective. Inonu University, Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (IUJPESS), 5(3), 1-24.

  21. Özyıldırım, M., Sarı, İ. (2018). Metaphoric perception of coaches regarding the concept of sport psycology. International Refereed Academic Journal of Sports, Health And Medical Sciences.29, 177-194.

  22. Kolayiş, H. Sarı, İ., Çelik, N. (2017). Parent-Initiated motivational climate and self-determined motivation in youth sport: How should parents behave to keep their child in sport? Kinesiology, 49(2): 217-224.




  1. Gürpınar, B., Sarı, İ. Yıldırım, H. (2019). Coach-created empowering and disempowering motivational climate and moral behaviour: Mediating role of moral disengagement. 15th Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 15-20 July 2019. Munster, Germany.

  2. Sarı, İ., Gürpınar, B., Köleli, NY. (2019). Satisfaction of the basic psychological needs as a predictor of pro-social and anti-social behaviours in athletes. 15th Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 15-20 July 2019. Munster, Germany.

  3. Sarı, İ., Şahin, D. (2019). Is athlete’s parent harmful like a tick or safe like a castle? Metaphoric perceptions of sports coaches.17. International Sports Sciences Congress, 13-16 November, Antalya, Turkey.

  4. Sarı, i, Aşçı, FH. (2019). Turkish adaptation of Tripartite Measure of İnterpersonal Behaviors-Coach (TMIB-C). 17. International Sports Sciences Congress, 13-16 November, Antalya, Turkey.

  5. Sarı, İ. Bizan, i. (2019). The role of parent-initiated motivational climate for athlete engagement and flow. 17. Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresi. 13-16 Kasım, Antalya.

  6. Sarı, İ. Köleli, Y., Güvendi, B. (2019). Parent initiated motivational climates as a motivational factor in athletes and meditating role of the basic psychological needs. 17. International Sports Sciences Congress, 13-16 November, Antalya, Turkey.

  7. Sarı, İ., Bulut, Y. (2019). "Fatigue, involuntariness and mental breakdown… I've experienced them all because of weight loss": Athletes' weight loss experiences from a psychosocial perspective. 17. International Sports Sciences Congress, 13-16 November, Antalya, Turkey.

  8. Sarı, İ.,Seydaoğulları, Ö. (2019). Psychological recovery after sports injury by EMDR Approach: A Case Report. 17. International Sports Sciences Congress, 13-16 November, Antalya, Turkey.

  9. Sarı, İ. Bulut, Ü. (2019). Boxing, Athletes and families from the perspectives of boxing coaches. 17. International Sports Sciences Congress, 13-16 November, Antalya, Turkey.

  10. Sarı, İ. (2018). Motivation and Self-determination theory: From theory to practice. International Conference on Medical Fitness And Corrective Exercise. 28-30 September 2018, Istanbul, Invited Speaker. 

  11. Sarı., İ., Günbay, Ş., (2018). Peer Motivational climate as predictors of young athletes’ self-determined motivation. 16. International Congress of Sport Sciences. 31 Oct-3 Nov, Antalya, p:1103-1107.

  12. Sarı, İ., Köleli, N.Y., (2018). The relationship of coach-created motivational climate to athletes’ burnout and moral decision-making. IV. International sport and exercise psychology congress13-15 April, İstanbul, p:3.

  13. Köleli, N.Y., Sarı, İ., (2018). Investigating the basic psychological needs of university students according to the status of their physical activity. IV. International Sport and Exercise Psychology Congress13-15 April, İstanbul, p:39.

  14. Sarı, İ., Karakaş, E., Onbaşı, S.İ. (2018). Sporcuların mental becerileri ile duygusal zekâları arasındaki ilişki. IV. International Sport and Exercise Psychology Congress13-15 April, İstanbul, p:20.

  15. Özyıldırım, M., Sarı, İ. (2018). Metaphoric perception of coaches regarding the concept of sport psycology. IV. International Sport and Exercise Psychology Congress13-15 April, İstanbul, p:41.

  16. Sarı, İ., (2018). Athletes’ preference of coaching behaviours: A meta analytic study. IV. International Sport and Exercise Psychology Congress13-15 April, İstanbul, p:19.