Equipments / softwares we use for our research
1- Nexus 10 biofeedback device and electrodes.
2- SPSS software used for quantitative research.
3- AMOS 20 software for exploratory/confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling.
4- NVIVO 11 Pro software for qualitative research.
5- Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Software (CMA).
6-MAXQDA 2020 Analytics Pro - Qualitative research software.
7-R Studio package for statistical calculation, graphs and advanced statistical analysis.
8- Meeting room used for individual and focus group meetings.
9- Voice recorder.
10-Laptops and desktop computer
Our facilities that are used for our researches and classes
1- Two multi-purpose indoor sports halls.
2- Football and athletics fields.
3- Sports halls specific to other sports branches (wrestling, tennis, boxing, taekwondo etc.).
4- Movement and training laboratory
5- Seminar room.